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In Focus

"See more clearly when you are informed"

Animal Welfare is the state of an animal within its living conditions; concerns include day-to-day health & wellbeing as well as survival of species, living conditions, & humane practices in related industries. With the frequency that humans and animals now share the same spaces, animals can face danger and stress at the hands of people. Below you will find key terms, statistics, and other useful tools to understand and talk about Black Lives Matter. If you would like to know more, consider coming to an IYC event. Our next one can be found below in the section labeled Our Events. We host them virtually, on a wide range of topics, discussing policy, civics, and current events. 

Key Terms You Should Know

Animal Welfare:

The state of an animal within its living conditions; concerns include day-to-day health & wellbeing as well as survival of species, living conditions, & humane practices in related industries.

Animal Sanctuary:

Refers to a safe-haven facility to protect animals for the remainder of their lives (e.g., monkeys post labs) contrasting animal shelters that provide temporary housing.

Animal Research:

Refers to any kind of scientific research involving animals; a regulated industry geared to advancing science.

Animal Enrichment:

Stimulation captive animals receive to maintain their health and happiness by encouraging natural behaviors.

Human-Wildlife Conflict:

The process through which ecosystems change, forcing people and wildlife to share spaces which are becoming increasingly crowded.


Moments In History

1866 - ASPCA formed. 

1993 - General Motors stops using live animals in crash tests.

2020 - The show Tiger King is released; resulting outrage leads to changes in laws governing exotic animals.

1966 - Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is passed, creating laws covering each “dog, cat, monkey (nonhuman primate mammal), guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or such other warm-blooded animal.”

2002 - Amendment to the AWA limiting the definition of ‘animal’ to exclude two mammal species of rats and mice to not be subject to USDA inspections. Under the AWA, the USDA has broad rights to inspect labs. Later, additional updating in related laws e.g., the Beagle Freedom Project allowed states to permit adoptions of laboratory animals.


41 million squirrels are estimated to be killed on the road per year in the U.S., according to a 1993 study analyzed by the Animal People Newspaper.

According to National Geographic, the top 10 endangered animals includes various species of the rhino, leopard, tiger, gorilla, orangutan, porpoise, elephant, and turtle.

According to an article from Euronews, 70% of the search and rescue work during a natural disaster is performed by dogs.

In 2024, an article from the International Fund for Animal Welfare reported a 90% decrease in the distance across the ocean that the Blue Whale’s can communicate w/ each other due to underwater noise pollution by ships & human-made sound.

According to Imperial War Museums, 16 million animals served in World War I for transportation (horses, camels, donkeys, mules), communication (pigeons, dogs), protection (canaries, dogs, cats), & companionship/morale boosters (dogs, cats, lions, bears, fox, monkeys). Later, sea lions & dolphins were trained to detect bombs.






Web of Life


Notable Names

Steve Irwin Family Australia_Zoo_Entrance-3_(17967728830) Sheba_Also 43,000 photos.jpg
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Animal Welfare GettyImages-2179734027 Genesis Butler.jpg
Bob_Barker_tpir CBS tv Price is Right commonswikimedia.jpg

The Irwin Family

Jane Goodall

Betty White

Genesis Butler

Bob Barker



Our Events



Further Resources

Animal Welfare Infographic

Share what you have learned about animal welfare. Our Infographic has been designed to be shared easily by printing, emailing, or posting on social media. Click on the image to view or download the PDF File. (Not for commercial use.)

Animal Welfare Infographic 8-24.png

Celebrate & Create Event Video

Our crafting event for kids was lots of fun! Use your own materials to participate in our craft project. This event was co-facilitated by Nina Jochnowitz, who is a Principal Business Analyst at Pfizer, and also is an apprentice for wildlife rehabilitation working with several species, including raccoons. Watch the video to learn how to make your own an endangered animal-themed notebook! You can also make an event out of it by hosting your own Celebrate & Create: Animal Welfare crafting party. Feel free to share this video with others! (Not for commercial use.) 

Take Action


Volunteer at local animal welfare shelters— they need all kinds of experts!


Learn more about proper handling of invasive species (e.g., the spotted lanternfly).

Friendly Hands Together Unity

Commit to one weekly action to raise awareness about animal welfare!


Watch documentaries to learn more about animal welfare concerns such as Blackfish, Blue Planet, Sharkwater, & American Scar.

Friends sitting together

Share our Animal Welfare Infographic with friends, family, and anyone and everyone you think would appreciate becoming more informed!

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Inform Your Community, EIN 84-4907262, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As with all non-profits, your donation matters. Our programs rely on your support. Please Donate today.


Inform Your Community acknowledges that the land on which our headquarters resides was the territory of the Lenape. We offer our sincerest respect and gratitude for their stewardship of this land which helped shape Lower Manhattan. 

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